Apogee was founded in 1985 and is a manufacturer of digital audio hardware systems for audio professionals and musicians.
Checkout our interview with Sergio Ruelas as he goes over the different product lines from Apogee:
Oct 11
Posted by jtechinc in Events, Interview | No Comments
Apogee was founded in 1985 and is a manufacturer of digital audio hardware systems for audio professionals and musicians.
Checkout our interview with Sergio Ruelas as he goes over the different product lines from Apogee:
Tags: Android, Apogee, Apogee Electronics, Experience PRS, Experience PRS 2013, IK Multimedia, iPad, iPhone, iTouch, J Tech, J Tech Inc, J Tech TV, J Technology Inc, J Technology TV, PRS Guitars, Sergio Ruelas
IK Multimedia is a music technology company which was founded in 1996 and they debuted some of their new products at CE Week 2013.
Checkout our interview with Starr Ackerman as she explains about some of their product lines:
Tags: AmpliTube Custom Shop, AmpliTube Jimi Hendrix Anniversary, AmpliTube Jimi Hendrix for iPad, AmpliTube Jimi Hendrix for iPhone/iPod Touch, AmpliTube Orange, AmpliTube Studio, ARC System 2, iGrand Piano for iPad, IK Multimedia, iKlip Stand, iKlip Studio, iKlip2, iLectirc Piano for iPad, iLine, iLoud, iLoud Mini, iRig, iRig BlueBoard, iRig HD, iRig KEYS, iRig Pro, iRig Recorder for Android, J Tech, J Tech Inc, J Tech TV, J Technology Inc, J Technology TV, Lightning Cable for iRig Keys, Precision Comp / Limiter, Starr Ackerman, T-Rack Grand, T-Racks Custom Shop
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